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International Academy for General Studies

About Us

The IAGS is a cyber-based educational and training institution that specializes in teaching online courses and online lessons in Music, Languages, Business, Economics, Marketing, and Management. The IAGS also offers both online and on-site turnkey seminars and workshops at your own facilities, as part of its strategic thrust to satisfy both the individul and the corporate development needs. The IAGS training profile encompasses a wide array of structured and customized training course modules as well as a host of case studies which genuinely reflect real-world situations. The IAGS training programs have been specifically designed, prepared, and customized to suit your needs and help you build your skills firsthand not only to develop your skills, but also to enable you to apply them on the job in the most practical, effective, efficient, and professional manner. Also, the IAGS offers online translation services and language auditing consultancies. Please click on the Soft Skills, Academics, and Translations links (look on your left) to gain more information about the IAGS training schemes, educational offerings, and translations and auditing services. Enjoy the tour!

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